Automata depository model with autonomous robots
One of the actual topics on robotics research in the recent decades is the robots' autonomy. The methods of self-sufficient problem-solving of the machines brings on several questions in programming, so mobile robots started to extend as tools of education as well. Our final goal was in this project to create the model of an automata, depository that constitutes a closed system from the users' point of view. We model such circumstances that make autonomy important like extreme high or low temperature, closeness of dangerous materials. These circumstances substantiates the need of robots and that they have to solve their problems self-sufficiently, without any direct human interaction. The model builds up from two main components: the Central Controlling Unit (CCU), and the group of robots. The robots ply in the depository using the line following method. During their activity may turn up some conflict situations, whose autonomous handling is the main topic of our research. Using the right wayfinder algorithm and the representation of the map of the depository, the robots find out after a short information excange, who of them has to give way to the other in order to solve the conflict in optimal time. The communication between the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Robots and the Central Controlling Unit is based on a BlueTooth connection. The robots' autonomy means that if they loose connection with the CCU, they can finish their commands that they have already received. Nevertheless navigating their physical relocation and sense any incidental new barrier is absolutely their task.Downloads
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How to Cite
Szabó, Z., Lájer, B., & Werner-Stark, Ágnes. (2010). Automata depository model with autonomous robots. Acta Cybernetica, 19(3), 655–660. Retrieved from
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