Sentence alignment of Hungarian-English parallel corpora using a hybrid algorithm
We present an efficient hybrid method for aligning sentences with their translations in a parallel bilingual corpus. The new algorithm is composed of a length-based and anchor matching method that uses Named Entity recognition. This algorithm combines the speed of length-based models with the accuracy of anchor finding methods. The accuracy of finding cognates for Hungarian-English language pair is extremely low, hence we thought of using a novel approach that includes Named Entity recognition. Due to the well selected anchors it was found to outperform the best two sentence alignment algorithms so far published for the Hungarian-English language pair.Downloads
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How to Cite
Tóth, K., Farkas, R., & Kocsor, A. (2008). Sentence alignment of Hungarian-English parallel corpora using a hybrid algorithm. Acta Cybernetica, 18(3), 463–478. Retrieved from
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